Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cool Turning China Parts images

Some cool turning China parts images:

Go By Streetcar Part II

Image by Ian Sane
My food cart picture was shot during the long trek to my car for a lens trade. Why switch lenses? Because my plan was to shoot this. I had wanted to do a night photo shoot of this comp for months and I finally decided it was time. So, I turned in the 50mm and 100-400mm glass for my 17-40 and Fisheye. This was shot with the 17-40. I will post the Fisheye version at a later time.

Shooting a night scene that requires street traffic is quite different in that one must play the waiting game: waiting for darkness to fall (I sat in Starbucks for almost an hour), waiting for enough traffic flow so the shot will look interesting, waiting for people to get out of the way even though a long exposure can eliminate “most” of the annoying pedestrians (or at least turn them into ghosts). Then there are the night scenes that involve public transportation like a bus or streetcar. That’s when you become slave to the schedule of that particular route. In a nut shell: if you don’t get it right at 6:15 PM your next attempt will be at 6:35 PM.

To view Part I click here ------->

Skåne - Turning China Torso

Image by Olof S
Designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, this building is based on a sculpture called Twisting Torso. The tower has nine five-story cubes and a total of 149 apartments. You can´t visit the building unless you hire the conference part at the top. The hight is 190 m.

Subaru SVX Driver side headlight

Image by G A R N E T

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