Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cool Internal Grinding China images

Check out these internal grinding images:

Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)

Image by cliff1066™

Of all the squirrels listed in the "Ground Squirrel" group, the Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel is most often mistakenly identified as a gopher or chipmunk.

The Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel can be easily identified by its brown body, white under body and the thirteen alternating brown and white stripes down its back and sides. These markings can look like seven broad dark brown stripes with six tan bands or seven narrow yellow stripes with six broad dark brown bands.

The thirteen-lined ground squirrel is sometimes mistaken as a chipmunk until their stripes are looked at closer and counted. These adult squirrels grow to be nine to twelve inches long and 35 inches tall and all have internal cheek pouches for carrying food to their burrow.

The thirteen-lined ground squirrel can be found on prairies, golf courses, cemeteries, and open areas from Canada to the Southern US. They feed on insects, mainly grasshoppers, plants, and the seed of weeds, corn, wheat and sometimes the meat of small vertebrates. Preyed upon by hawks, snakes, foxes, coyotes, and badgers, the thirteen-lined ground squirrel will often sit erect with its nose in the air looking for danger while eating.

After hibernation, female thirteen-lined ground squirrels give birth to a litter of 5-13 babies that are born blind, hairless and toothless. These babies open their eyes on day 13 and are fully-grown in 3 months. After remaining with the mother for 4-6 weeks, the babies fend for themselves often digging their own burrows not far from home.

The thirteen-lined ground squirrel is most active midday and on warm days. They greet each other by touching their noses and lips and leave scent marks by using the glands around their mouths.

limitations 5150 …item 2.. Police Brutality Allegations In DUI Arrest [WATCH RAW DASHCAM VIDEO] (Wed 2:51 AM, Sep 11, 2013) — We regret that Ms. West was injured. …

Image by marsmet474

"We are concerned any time an individual is injured while in police custody," said Tallahassee Police Chief Dennis Jones. "Our job is to serve and protect, and that includes victims and suspects. We regret that Ms. West was injured.


……..*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ……..


… marsmet48 photo … Ron White .. a/k/a .. Tater Salad – You Can’t Fix Stupid .. CMT’s Comedy Club …item 1.. Ron White – wife’s dog dies …item 4.. Ron White Tire Guy At Sears … item 8.. Ron White on the "Color Coded Awareness System"…


… marsmet48 photo … Page 2



— TPD Officers Matthew Smidt And Chris Ormerod Were Suspended Tuesday Night After Release Of Shocking Video.



… Sunday, September 15, 2013 … Tallahassee Democrat Newspaper … Page 4A …



… Age: 28

… Rank: Police Officer

… Assignment: Patrol

… Supervisor: Sgt. Bill Faust

… Date of Hire: Jan. 22, 2008

… Years of service: 5





… Age: 38

… Rank: Police Officer, field training officer

… Assignment: Patrol

… Current supervisor: Sgt. George Creamer, Jr.

… Date of hire: Dec. 11, 2007

… Years of service: 5


Source: TPD





…..item 1a)…. youtube video … Apollo 440 Time is Running Out.mp4 … 04:58 minutes …


Uploaded on Mar 11, 2011

No description available.




Standard YouTube License






…..item 1b)…. youtube video … Apollo 440 – 1994 – Millenium Fever. … 72:14 minutes …

Psytronic Music Channel

Published on Apr 12, 2013

Apollo 440 – 1994 – Millenium Fever.

Rumble / Spirit Of America 9:07

Liquid Cool 12:12

Film Me & Finish Me Off 4:45

I Need Something Stronger 7:34

Pain Is A Close Up 9:58

Omega Point 7:35

Don’t Fear The Reaper 5:27

Astral America 4:33

Millennium Fever 5:47

Stealth Requiem 5:35




Standard YouTube License






…..item 2)…. Police Brutality Allegations In DUI Arrest [WATCH RAW DASHCAM VIDEO] …

… WCTV News … … Coverage You Can Count On ! …



L M1


video: 14:32 minutes ..



By: Julie Montanaro – Email

Updated: Wed 2:51 AM, Sep 11, 2013

… RAW VIDEO: Dashcam Captures Arrest 9-10-13

… Dashcam Video Shows Exchange Between West And Officers 9-10-13 11pm

… Police Department Speaks On Brutality Claims 9-10-13 11pm

… Officials Respond To Dashcam Video 9-10-13 6pm

… Woman Claims Brutality In DUI Arrest 9-10-13 5pm



— Press Release: Tallahassee Police Department

City Releases Details on DUI / Use of Force Incident

At 2:10 a.m. on Saturday, August 10, Tallahassee Police Department patrol officers were called to the area of Delaney Drive and Kilkenny Way in northeast Tallahassee, regarding a vehicle crashing into a house at 3501 Kilkenny Drive. Responding officers located the driver – Ms. Christina West – who stated she was returning from Panama City, FL. While turning onto Limerick Drive from Delaney Drive, Ms. West appeared to have accelerated, missing the right turn at Kilkenny Drive. The vehicle continued straight striking a light pole, stop sign, and continued forward into the yard of 3501 Kilkenny Drive, finally striking the house. Ms. West had three students in her vehicle (all under the age of 18) at the time of the crash. Ms. West said the three were foreign exchange students.

The vehicle came to rest inside the master bedroom of the residence. The owners were not home at the time of the incident. A City of Tallahassee utility crew responded to secure live wires from the light pole. During the subsequent investigation of the crash, Ms. West failed a sobriety test and she reported she had been taking prescription medication while drinking alcoholic beverages prior to the accident. Ms. West was initially arrested without incident, but was removed from the car when it was discovered she had slipped her hands out of the handcuffs. At that time, she resisted arrest, and a struggle ensued in which Ms. West was restrained on the ground in order to facilitate the placement of handcuffs. Ms. West was taken to Leon County Jail where she was recommended for medical treatment. She was then transported to the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH) for medical clearance, which she received before being transported back to jail for processing. Ms. West sustained a broken orbital bone along with scrapes and bruises to her body.

At TMH, while being cared for by the hospital staff, Ms. West continued disruptive behavior that resulted in charges for assault being filed against her by the nurse on duty.

The officers completed a use of force report documenting the incident, per department policy.

"We are concerned any time an individual is injured while in police custody," said Tallahassee Police Chief Dennis Jones. "Our job is to serve and protect, and that includes victims and suspects. We regret that Ms. West was injured.

"We train our officers in appropriate use of force procedures and my job as Chief is to gather all the facts to determine the appropriateness in this case," Jones said.

Chief Jones has called for an internal investigation, which will include interviews with all the individuals on the scene that night and at the hospital. It will also include reviewing the video to better determine exactly what happened. From a law enforcement perspective, the purpose is to have all the facts of the case so that the chief can take the appropriate action.

The case was sent to the State Attorney, which is standard procedure. In this case, the State Attorney’s office made the decision to dismiss the charges of assault on a police officer(s) as well as charges for assault filed against Ms. West by the nurse at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. The remaining charge of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is awaiting toxicology results.

"We understand that the video is disturbing to watch and it is for us too. We use cameras to help capture events such as this and are making the entire video available as we continue our internal investigation," said Jones.

The city has posted the 45-minute video of the incident, the Probable Cause Affidavit and the Use of Force Report on the city’s website The probable cause affidavit and use of force report are also attached and the video may also be accessed on the Police Department YouTube site .



UPDATED by Julie Montanaro

September 10, 2013

A woman claims Tallahassee Police officers slammed her into a patrol car and onto the ground during a drunk driving stop.

Dash cam video of the arrest was released today. Her attorney calls it "brutal."

Christina West was arrested for drunk driving and assaulting an officer on August 10th.

West says officers slammed her face into the patrol car and threw her onto the ground … breaking her cheek bone, bloodying her nose and more. She’s had two surgeries so far.

The video shows officers getting Christina West out of the patrol car and then an officer yelling "Don’t ****ing touch me." The video shows officers then pushing West onto the back of a patrol car and then to the ground. The video shows officers putting a knee to her neck and proceeding to handcuff her. You can hear West screaming for the men to stop.

"I had a physical reaction to that tape the first time I saw that video. It’s bad," West’s attorney Fred Conrad said.

Christina West was ultimately put back in the patrol car and taken to the hospital. Her injuries were photographed there. West was brusied on her shoulders, legs and back. Photos show she had a black eye that was swollen shut.

"I don’t care if she was drunker than cooter brown and took a breath test and blew through the moon … that’s not warranted. That’s not okay," Conrad said.

It happened just after 3am on August 10th. Arrest reports say West plowed through the front wall of a house in Killearn – at the corner of Kilkenny West and Limerick Drive.

The Sawner’s say luckily they were not home that weekend, because the SUV came right through the wall of their bedroom.

"It pushed our bed all the way to the back side of the house…and tore it all to pieces," homeowner Bobbie Sawner said. She said she’s glad to be alive and glad the woman and the teens with her survived the crash too.

When officers Ormerod and Smidt arrived on scene, they put West through a series of field sobriety tests. They say she was slurring her words and had trouble keeping her balance. The video was all captured by a camera in Officer Smidt’s car.

The confrontation started when officers asked West to get out of the car to sign a breath test consent form. You can hear her say "Yes,sir" on the tape, but she continued to ask about her husband and her childrens’ car seats.

Here’s how Officer Chris Ormerod described what happened when he tried to place her in handcuffs.

He wrote in his incident report: "West was placed on the ground where she began to thrash and kick wildly. West kicked me in the groin area and kicked officer Schmidt in the leg." He goes on to write, "West was placed in a thigh lock on the ground as I secured her hands. While handcuffing West’s hands, she continued to violently make attempts to grab for my groin area with her hands."

West was charged with driving under the influence, battery on a law enforcement offier and aggravated assault on an officer.

"It was a very disturbing video to me," State Attorney Willie Meggs said.

Meggs says the DUI case is still pending, but he has dropped the battery and assault charges and is still trying to figure out what to do next.

"I didn’t see anything in the video that would cause me to believe that this woman needed anybody to use any type of force or restraint on her," Meggs said.

We have asked both Tallahassee Police and the city attorney for comment. They have not yet responded.

The video shows West did consent to a breathalyzer test on scene, but it never happened because of the scuffle. In their reports, officers say, she refused a blood test at the hospital.

You can see a portion of the video tape on our web site. We warn you some of the language is graphic.



By: Julie Montanaro

September 10, 2013

Tallahassee, FL – A Tallahassee woman claims Tallahassee Police Officers slammed her against a patrol car and then to the pavement when she was arrested for DUI.

44-year-old Christina West was arrested August 10th after she ran off the road and struck a house in Killearn.

The state attorney calls the dash cam video of the arrest one of the most disturbing videos he’s ever seen.

Eyewitness News has a copy of that video. A copy of that video will be posted online shortly.


Comments are posted from viewers like you and do not always reflect the views of this station.



– RonaldReaganRepublican JeffDeVore • 13 minutes ago −

I believe better training could have possibly avoided the escalation moment. The TPD officers should have put the smaller set of handcuffs on her and then removed the larger set in order for her to be remained restrained. One shot of pepper spray would have changed her drunk tune quickly or any other safety measures available before use of force. The officers allegedly broke the orbital bone on her face which requires large force.


– FredSmithIV JeffDeVore • 30 minutes ago −

which part of her "pleading to be listened to" are you referring to? The whino screeches from the banshee? That’s "Overacting by Drunk Women 101." Did you actually look at/listen to the whole video? Yeah, she was whining when they finally put her under arrest, but, the whole falling on the pavement thing seems to be her fault and I have looked at it numerous times. I’m a survivor of years of domestic abuse, so, don’t think I turn a blind eye to that kind of stuff, but, I REALLY don’t think she was a victim of anything more than her own alcohol abuse.


– Vic FredSmithIV • 12 minutes ago −

way too much logic in this remark.


– Harry JeffDeVore • an hour ago −

By definition, was she resisting arrest by not following orders? Are their consequences for breaking rule?


– Harry JeffDeVore • an hour ago −

You seem like somebody who would understand the process but apparently you aren’t. She was under arrest as soon as the police made initial contact. Handcuffs or not. If she ran away from them, she’s resisting arrest. If the cops ask her to get out of the car and she refuses, she’s resisting arrest. The only way to get her to comply was forcefully. I know you like to egg on the idiots but you know as well as I do what the judgment will be. She assaulted a cop, watch her feet just before they tackle her, she’s kicking the one cop in the balls. I would have punched her, not thrown her on the ground.


– FredSmithIV Harry • 24 minutes ago −

Forgive me, Lord, but, I agree with Harry on this one, for the most part. I’ll try to work with him on his spelling later.


– Harry FredSmithIV • 17 minutes ago −

Spelling? You must spell differently than the dictionary.


– Vic • 2 hours ago −

The bottom line is she was driving drunk and ran into a house. Fortunately she did not injure or kill anyone in her car or in the house. She was not obedient to the officers and had an attitude. If you do not obey authority expect consequences. Law enforcement officers are not paid to be punching bags or to take garbage from the public.


– Vic MagicManInTheSky • 22 minutes ago −

It does not matter the size of the person when alcohol or drugs are involved in the situation. They make people do stupid things and with the adredlin running causes the situation to escalate resulting in abnormal strength & reaction to the situation.. A take down to the pavement is a natural training reaction. It is easy to be an arm chair quarterback after any incident.


– The Idiot • 3 hours ago −

Remember Tallahassee, when TPD show up to a wreck where a car has been driven into a house, it will not be treated as a medical emergency.


– Sarahs Fine • 3 hours ago −

If I were Mr. Conrad I’d write a dollar figure on the back of that photo of her crushed face and slide it across the table to Mr. Shelly and say take it or leave it. Because when a jury sees those injuries emotions take over.


– Bamanoles1 • 3 hours ago −

For those that haven’t looked it up, Mrs. West is 44 years old, 5′ 6" tall and is listed at 120 pounds. No other opinion offered, just stating what it says on the arrest/probable cause affidavit.


– DaffyDillyO Bamanoles1 • 2 hours ago −

So basically she was driving around drunk with bunch of minors in the car. What a model citizen!








Cool Internal Grinding China images

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